Wednesday, July 21, 2010


My sister has found a way to enjoy me when I practice my trumpet.
Buzz and I make beautiful music together.
My sister just hasn't learned to appreciate it yet.
But she will.

Helping my momma

My momma has had 2 surgeries in 5 weeks. First it was her right wrist, and then her left wrist. She is glad there are no more wrists to do.

Momma and I have spent a lot of time waiting at doctors' offices,
and at the hospital.
Our feet on the morning of her surgery... waiting.

She was all bandaged up afterward.
I am good at entertaining her.

Momma says her left thumb got a suntan during surgery.

Holding a Baby for the first time

There are a lot of new babies at church.
I like to see them, they look really cute.
One Sunday, one of the moms asked me if I would like to hold her baby.
YES, I wanted to!
I like all the new babies at church,
but this one is sort of a favorite for me.

Isn't she cute?
She didn't cry while I held her.
I really liked that.
I like holding babies, especially this one.
I would like to be


I turned 12 in June.
My brother got me this hat,
because it has a 12 on it.
He also found me a hat
with my favorite airplane on it.
A C47
Tico Belle
My gifts were all numbered.

I had to draw numbers out of a bowl,
and unwrap them in that order.
It was fun.

I had a very nice birthday!